The Key to Transforming Your Entire Life


I know, it sounds like a simple idea, but it’s a REVOLUTIONARY practice.

Think about it for a moment.

How much of your life do you spend hating your body?

Glamour once did a survey and found that women have an average of 13 NEGATIVE BODY THOUGHTS every day. Some of the women surveyed said they have 50 or even a hundred of them. And 97 percent of women admitted to having at least one “I hate my body” moment per day.


That means basically all of us devote at least a moment to hating our bodies every day. And probably lots more than just a moment if we are being honest.

So, other than being a tragedy, why does that matter?

What is the impact that hating your body has on your life?

I remember when I was in the top tier of the 97%.

I spent more time shaming myself, critiquing every little thing about myself, and talking myself out of my dreams than actually LIVING them.

I wasted ENDLESS energy letting the way I felt about my body dictate my worthiness and stop me from taking action on what I most wanted.

When I learned to truly love my body, even a FRACTION more than I had, I immediately had more energy, became more confident, and went after what I wanted.

Imagine if you were free from expending this energy on hating your body, on feeling ashamed of it, on focusing on the negatives.

Imagine letting go of the mental warfare.

It’s a drain on your energy. And a drain on your confidence.

And if you were able to channel that energy into loving your body (or at least feeling neutral toward your body), what would shift in your life?

You would be more CONFIDENT.

You would be more ALIVE.

You would be more FEARLESS.

You would be HAPPIER.


More able to experience the crazy amounts of PLEASURE your body wants to give you, was made to give you.

There is so much richness waiting for you on the other side of body hate.

No, I'm not a snack at all / Look baby I'm the whole meal.” – “Juice” - xoNecole: Women's Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty

So what are YOU waiting for?

If you are ready to step into loving your body and the joys that await you, send me a DM.

I have a few spots available for my Signature Body Love Intensive (3 Body Love Coaching sessions and a gorgeous Photoshoot) and Own Your Sexy Coaching Packages (my longer body love + empowerment journey for women ready to own their sexy).

If you are feeling the call, NOW IS THE TIME!

I can’t wait to connect.

xo Laura